

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finished my last semester foundation exam...
What feeling i am now?
Nobody understand, include me...
what the way I should choose?
Is't the way I choose is the best for me?
complicated mood appear, appear and appear.....
But anyway, I WANT BACK HOME LIAO!!!!!!
It's the only reason which make me feel happy...^^

I appreciate U...
Thank all kampar's friends ....
whitout u all, my life will be suck....
Thank let my life full of happiness memory...

Thank 1203...
my another sweet home...
It's sweet coz gt u all inside here....
I will remember the story that only happen in 1203 4ever....

And the important ppl...
ler,sean, feng....
really feel lucky I gt u 3 best best best friends in here....
share eveything here...
we r a team, a special group that nobody can attack easily...

And now....
Let me officially announce that.....
Me ENGYEEFUNG finished my foundation successfully!!!!

No matter next step will follewed by what....I will always remember here, remember the place, the people, and the campus....

Thank a lots...everything that come to me, no matter it's best or worst to me....^^

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