

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Impact of Greedy

Damn it!
What the hell of my life and the fuck mood I have now!
Althought it's a nice sister's talk tonight, but unconsciously touch my wound...in heart...
It's hurt!

A deep and difficult problem is waiting for me, waiting me to resolve it.
What should I do?
Yes, just ignore it!
No work if I care about it.
Just waste my time and my mood!

After so many things, it's time for me to learn about IGNORE. Everyone have their close friends, best friends even acquaintance friends, I owned it also, but I envy the others who own more than me. I'm too greedy, it's enough for me and just my stubborn shit thinking don't let me leave the devil place! What a shame I lose the contact with my ex-school friends. I very very appreciate it and always try my hard to protect everything I have but all gone just like what I imagine, I predict. Who cause this? It's me!
I really appreaciate each friends I meet. It;s not different for each other.
I recpect the lossing I faced too.

Open my thinking, treat all as easy, satisfy for all!
What a worthless me owns these all is a great present from GOD.
Appreciate everything. Don't ever greedy for more!

I want my bright smile stay in my face forever!

Learn about life, thank about what I own...

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